I may be wrong but I believe that's a timeout set by GPG itself. You can
actually change that in
System Preferences -> GPG -> Remember passphrase for [ seconds ]
Hope this helps.
On 29 Aug 2015, at 4:33, Christopher LILJENSTOLPE wrote:
I've flipped over to using a yubico neo usb 'smartcard' as my GPG
keychain. It works fine, but there's a problem with MailMate's GPG
support. Everytime the neo gets asked to sign/encrypt a message, I
get prompted for a PIN (that's just the way it works). The problem is
that it seems as if MailMate asks for a signature/encrypt multiple
times during composition (maybe up to 4-5 times in my experience -
maybe when the draft gets saved?). That gets disruptive to keep
getting pin pops. Any way to get that sign/encrypt function to only
fire on send?
Avt tace, avt loqvere meliora silentio
Check my PGP key here: http://www.asgaard.org/cdl/cdl.asc
Current vCard here: http://www.asgaard.org/cdl/cdl.vcf
keybase: https://keybase.io/liljenstolpe
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Luca Allodi
DISI, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
url-per: http://disi.unitn.it/~allodi/
url-lab: https://securitylab.disi.unitn.it/
tel-uff: (+39) 0461-283828
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