Hi all,

I was sure this was going to be a question easily answered by poking around 
configuration panes or searching the FAQ, but I can't find anything. Probably 
I'm just inviting ridicule for not checking again, but I'll ask anyway, if for 
no other reason than criticism is a levelling force for good if you invite it 
with sufficient verbosity. Or so I've heard.

When I compose a new message, by default I get a "To" input box and a "Subject" 
input box. I can make "cc", "bcc" and "reply to" input boxes appear by choosing 
them from the drop-down menu to the left of the "Signature" drop-down box.

Turns out I never want to use bcc or reply-to, but I regularly need the cc, 
regularly enough that I've decided it's irritating to have to select it every 

How can I make an input box for "cc" appear automagically, by default, when I 
compose a new message?



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