Hi there,

I have been using Mailmate for three weeks now - with very mixed feelings.
As a longtime Postbox user I've been pissed lately by the bad support of Postbox
Inc and some painful bugs in the stability of Postbox - so I came to Mailmate.

However Mailmate also has tons of minor and major issues. Ok, no software is
bugfree. But the density of minor flaws in Mailmate (that I would not expect
from a 1.9 version) is annoying. Some of my highlight bugs:

- invalid counters for unread mails for *some* folders

- "default columns" do not work as expect, reverting the default columns
   for a folder is not persisted properly

- being unable to remove an imap folder containing message without prior
  removing all mails manually (major usability pain in the ass)

- incomplete and half-baked implementation of the "mailboxes" tree...being
  unable to arrange mailboxes as needed using drag & drop

- fragile rule engine...hard to debug why email rules work sometimes and 

- usability issues with the signing and encryption UI where the signing/lock 
  are set or enabled when it does not make sense (e.g. no key available for a 

Most of the issues have been reported as feedback or as bugreports.

What is my point?

Mailmate is not a bad application and I appreciate that the maintainer
cares more about productivity and power-user features than implementing
useless features that nobody needs. However Mailmate has a serious
quality assurance problem. A lot of features are only half implemented
and not stable or usable. What is the point? Mailmate costs 45 EURO
compared to 15 EUR for Postbox compared to nothing for Mail.app.
The conclusion is: all mail applications for Mac suck in their own special
way - only the price differs.


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