On 18 May 2015, at 11:29, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 18 May 2015, at 10:38, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

I noticed the spotlight functions are in latest alpha. Needed to try it out ;)

FYI: I did the symbolic link thing, putting it in ~/Messages.

For the record, I'm working on making this easier via a GUI setting since I don't really want anyone doing this manually.

No worries - I know i'm living on the bleeding edge ;)

...at what time can I expect it to start showing up in spotlight results ?

In theory, OS X should start indexing as soon as MailMate has been launched and the Spotlight importer has been detected.

Didn't seem to happen.

Running mdimport ~/Messages made it show up though - it is still indexing my ~500.000 messages :)

Any special keywords I need to use to have the search kick in ?

No. MailMate parsers text content of plain text body parts and the address headers. That should make it possible to make a search such as:

        author:benny recipient:max spotlight

it works ;) woohoo.

Preview of the messages takes a bit to show up, but its really nice.

So, in another thread you said it was possible to directly respond to mails found in spotlight - how ?

Opening the mail works - any way to get from the single message window to show the message in context ? (i.e. its threads)

But I'm actually not sure exactly how the Spotlight syntax works. Documentation seems to be scattered or I haven't found the correct link yet. Here is one interesting [link](https://support.apple.com/kb/PH14172?locale=en_US).

You can also search via the command line using `mdfind` or see what has been indexed for a given file using `mdls`.

Yes, this definitely opens up a lot of interesting things!

does it support searching via imap/mailmate tags ? Does not seem to find hits on tags - but that could just be it haven't completed index yet.

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