Yeah, I’ve only ever seen this feature implemented as a very low-information view. I think Microsoft was the first to do this with Outlook (2003 or 2007) and it’s still not very customizable. Thunderbird also implemented a vertical view, and allowed you to pack all of your columns into it, but it was unusable if you added anything beyond sender, date, subject. I’d love to see this in MailMate, but I would not have any expectations that I could cram all of my existing columns in there. I think by design it has to be very basic like Postbox,, or Outlook.

On 22 Apr 2015, at 15:02, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 22 Apr 2015, at 21:52, Chris Jones wrote:

[multiline message outline view]

Hi Benny, is this something that could be tweaked with ease?

No. Technically, it is a bit more likely to be implemented after MailMate required 10.7+, because of how the Apple outline view works internally. But it's still a major change to go from multiple columns to a single column -- at least if expecting the same functionality as is available with multiple columns. (I just checked “Apple Mail” and I can see that only “Size” is optional in the narrow message list -- everything else is fixed.)

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