Following on from Bill's suggestions, a 4th option would be to run the
following command in Terminal:
sudo printf '%s\n' 'setenv MM_GPG /usr/local/bin/gpg2' >>
and then log out and back in. This would also set the variable
On 2015-04-21, at 22:58 +0200, Bill Cole
<> wrote:
On 21 Apr 2015, at 13:28, Christopher LILJENSTOLPE wrote:
I've moved off of GPGTools, and am running the current gpg2 tooling
from GNU (brew package, if anyone is interested). However, it seems
as if the GPGTools path is stuck somewhere in the system for the path
for gpg2. Any hidden variable where I can change that path?
[CAVEATS: I am not Benny.
Everything below is conjecture based on a few minutes of
My advice is worth every penny you've paid for it :)]
The Release Notes say that the path to gpg2 was originally hardcoded
to /usr/local/bin/gpg2 and later the "default" was changed to
/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2 but there's nothing I can find anywhere
documenting a way to change or override that default. However, a bit
of grep work indicates that the places in /Application/
where the strings MacGPG2 and gpg2 occur (in the main binary and the
OakMIME framework library) are near the string MM_GPG, which appears
to be used as a variable name based on its context, probably imported
from the environment (quirky!) This suggests 3 possible approaches, if
your homebrew binary is at /usr/local/bin/gpg2:
1. Symlink the hardcoded name to the working one:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/MacGPG2/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/gpg2 /usr/local/MacGPG2/bin
2. Set the MM_GPG environment variable via launchctl. There are 2 ways
to do this:
a. Manually as needed, once per login session in a Terminal session:
/bin/launchctl setenv MM_GPG /usr/local/bin/gpg2
b. In a launchd .plist (in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/) which runs the
command above every time you log in. The details for constructing a
launchd .plist file are readily available via 'man launchd.plist'.
3. Set the MM_GPG variable for MailMate with defaults:
sudo defaults write com.freron.MailMate MM_GPG -string
Given the context around 'MM_GPG' in the 2 files it occurs in, my
guess is that (2) will work but (3) will not. It is unlikely for them
both to work. (1) will almost surely work, but it is inelegant.
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