On 21 Feb 2015, at 16:08, Shoshanna Green wrote:

[various limitations of single message view]

I think (haven't fully investigated) that these all behave as I'd want if I have the message open in a pane of the main window, but honestly I never want to do that, and don't understand the format's popularity. I often want to refer to several messages at once! Plus I use Witch to access windows from the keyboard, so I always want everything in individual windows, not panes or tabs.

As indicated elsewhere I don't use the single message window much myself. In other words, most of the limitations are not “by design”. It's mainly because I didn't realize how this (apparently) works in other email clients. I think MailMate mostly resembles how it works in Apple Mail.

I have already written down that more functionality should work in the single message window and I've now added a reference to your email to make sure I review it when I get around to make some improvements.

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