On 16 Feb 2015, at 2:40, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Sorry if this turned into an explanation of how it works instead of how it is supposed to be used :-) (Since I have just implemented this feature I do not claim it works exactly as explained above, but let me know if it doesn't.)

Once I realised what you meant by 'identity', it all became clear. It's indeed, a potentially useful feature for sure, especially if I wish to put sent emails among my received. :)

Two things:

- Now that we have a 'correspondent' column, shouldn't the 'From' column always be made removable? ATM, I can disable the 'From' column only in the 'Sent' smart folder. - I don't know if you're subscribed to any yahoogroups mailing lists. They alter the From address of messages to look like this *"'My Name' myemailaddress [groupname] <groupn...@yahoogroups.com>"* As you can see, the 'identity' is no longer the specified 'From' address. Is there a way to get around this, i.e., using a different header that isn't prone to being mangled? Or using a header over-ride in case there isn't a match with one header. I see an X-Original-From header in these messages. I don't know if it's a standard optional header or one created by the YahooGroups listserv.

a Curtis m

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