This is great Benny,
Just a few notes/requests:
1. Would it be possible to reflect the emails date when importing.
Currently, importing emails will set the entries date to today, instead
of the emails date.
2. Would it be possible to get a bundle for Together too?
On 19 Jan 2015, at 15:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 19 Jan 2015, at 10:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 19 Jan 2015, at 7:29, Matthew Cawood wrote:
My preference is to archive in DevonThink, which holds my email
archives from the mid 2000s. But it seems that MailMate and
Devonthink don't hook up,
I plan to add that too and I did start creating it. If I remember
correctly I delayed it, because DevonThink needs the original email
instead of the summary-oriented style used for the various GTD
bundles. (I'll check up on the state of this bundle.)
Within a few hours you should see a “DEVONThink Pro” bundle in the
Bundles preferences pane (MailMate checks for bundle updates every few
hours). If you enable that then you should have a command for adding
an email to DEVONThink. It uses the subject of the email for the file
name and it also adds a URL to the record in order to easily go back
to the email from DEVONThink (⌃⌘O). It does not allow configuring
where to store it in DEVONThink though -- didn't quite figure out how
that is done.
Note that this command can also be used in rules to automatically
archive an email and perhaps delete it from MailMate. This can even
happen automatically when an email reaches a certain age.
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