On 1 Feb 2015, at 21:28, Miklos Koppan wrote:
Does anyone know if there is any workflow to add a reminder to Due app
from MailMate?
Not as far as I know. MailMate uses so-called bundles to integrate with
other applications. In the [64 bit test
builds](http://blog.freron.com/2014/mailmate-64-bit-beta/) such bundles
are enabled in the Bundles preferences pane, but nothing exists for the
Due app.
As far as [I can
Due supports a simple URL scheme which can be tested like this:
open "due:///add?title=This%20is%20a%20test"
(I cannot try it out since there is no trial version of Due.)
At least on iOS there is also support for date related parameters, but I
cannot find whether or not it works for the Mac. The main question is
how dates are best handled since I assume you would expect MailMate to
somehow set a default date for the reminder based on the content of (or
selection in) the message.
Well, I created a simple bundle for Due which should appear in the
Bundles preferences pane within a few hours. This require the 64 bit
build mentioned above. It's untested and may not work at all, but it's a
Off topic: For those of you that haven't noticed, a BBEdit bundle is
also available now.
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