On 19 Jan 2015, at 21:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 19 Jan 2015, at 7:45, Olivier Bedouelle wrote:

I'm use [eagleFiler](http://c-command.com/eaglefiler/) or/and [FoxTrot](http://www.ctmdev.com/foxtrot/professional_search/index.html)

Inspired by the addition of DEVONThink, I also added an EagleFiler bundle. If you are running the 64 bit beta of MailMate then it should pop up automatically in the list of bundles in the Bundles preferences pane (it can take a few hours before it happens).

Thank you. I have both DEVONThink and EagleFinder. I've just had 2 weeks with a non-functioning internet connection, and that has concentrated my mind on keeping stuff local as well as online.
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