On 29 Jan 2015, at 11:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 28 Jan 2015, at 22:44, Mike Brasch wrote:

Do you have plans to support [JMAP](http://jmap.io/).

Not yet, but I'm aware of this project and I'm on the mailing list to keep an eye on it. It'll only be a high priority though if there is easy access to a JMAP proxy for IMAP -- and I don't envy anyone having to do that (a proxy would have a hard time handling the many IMAP server bugs).

PLEASE don't touch it until there's an actual RFC, discrete unencumbered open source reference server (or IMAP proxy) & client implementations, and interoperable second client & server/proxy implementations.

There's probably some argument for JMAP that isn't grounded in whiny web developer laziness, but no one has put it anywhere Google can find it. And no, http://blog.fastmail.com/2014/12/23/jmap-a-better-way-to-email/ doesn't do it. Maybe FastMail is right, and we really do need a whole new protocol tightly bound to this year's favorite generic format+protocol (remind me again: what ever happened to XML? ASN.1? DCE/RPC? I'm old and forget these things...) On the other hand, maybe the problems they cite in IMAP can be fixed with extensions to IMAP. I don't really have an opinion on which way is better, but I do know that none of the grand plans to supplant existing email protocols in the past 20+ years has really succeeded; the only partial success has been to replace POP with IMAP.
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