Thank you! Confirmed to work. As of yet I cannot identify how summary and all differ. I'll tweak accordingly.
Thanks, Mike On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Benny Kjær Nielsen < > wrote: > > On 17 Dec 2014, at 19:10, Michael Sale wrote: > > In a tweet you mention that there's a Todoist integration script for > MailMate, but it requires a login I (and apparently others) do not have... > can you (or whoever it was that created it) share an accessible version > here? > > It should not require a login to access it here > <> > although I've recently been made aware that this is not true if trying do > it from a mobile device. Not sure why that is different. > > I've also attached it (it's very small). Currently the “summary” variant > of the commands requires a Todoist API token. Here is a detailed > description of how to get and use that: > > 1. Go to > 2. Click the Gear icon in the upper right of the page. > 3. Click “Todoist Settings”. > 4. Click “Account”. > 5. Copy the value of “API token”. > 6. > > Write the following line in the Terminal (replace token with the token > from todoist): > > defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmTodoistAPIToken -string token > > > You should save the bundle itself here (create the Bundles folder): > > ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles/ > > Don't forget to enable 2.0 features in the General preferences pane. > > -- > Benny > > _______________________________________________ > mailmate mailing list > > > >
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