On 5 Dec 2014, at 19:23, Robert Garcia wrote:
I manage several clients and our own mail server for all of them. I
have moved myself and several of my largest clients off of gmail
(gapps) email and onto our own mail server, zarafa, which has been
working fine. Most of us use macs and have been using Airmail as the
client, which works pretty well with Gmail. Airmail 2 came out and it
has tons of issues and takes up tons of CPU, etc. Also has bugs with
I don't really know Zarafa and I don't know if MailMate has any issues
with it, but you can let me know if anything turns up.
Mailmate would not win a beauty contest, but it works great. I felt it
was sluggish and piggy, like apple mail, then I found the latest 64
bit version. Wow, so smooth, nice, doesn't use much cpu, that made
everything better.
Well that's good news for the 64 bit version. Thanks.
Before I recommend this to the rest of my family and clients, though,
I am struggling with one issue. How to make some type of smart folder
with VIP users? We all user our iPhones and iPads and use VIP, and
when your desktop client doesn't comply, it makes it tough. It is
probably the only single feature that pulls me back to apple mail.
Any thoughts?
To be honest I haven't really looked into how Apple Mail implements
VIPs. For MailMate to support it, 2 things need to be possible:
* MailMate should be able to retrieve VIP addresses from Contacts.
* MailMate should be able to enable/disable the VIP status of a contact.
The first one is probably more important to you than the second one.
MailMate is actually quite badly integrated with Contacts since it's not
possible to do queries (smart mailboxes and rules) based on groups in
Contacts. This is a relatively high priority and a frequent request, but
I cannot give you a time frame. It would be natural to look into VIP
compatability at the same time.
A quick search does not reveal an official API to access this
information, but I might not have looked hard enough. It also looks like
it's an Apple Mail feature and if synchronization requires Apple Mail to
be running then there is no way to hack VIP compatibility :-(
Ok, quick experiment. I used Apple Mail to mark a VIP sender. This
showed up in the following file:
I quit Apple Mail, logged into iCloud webmail, and removed the VIP
sender. I waited a while to see if the change was synchronized to the
file above. This did not happen. I then launched Apple Mail and the file
was immediately updated. Unless I missed something then that is bad news
for the potential future of full VIP compatibility — not even as a
horrible hack.
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