>> I'm on build #4508 now but there is still a weird problem. I always make 
>> sure my Keychain contains the correct passwords. But somehow, if I reboot 
>> MailMate, it updates the Keychain password with the old initial password of 
>> my accounts. I really don't know where MailMate finds this old password and 
>> why it happens. But it's pretty annoying. Rebooting MailMate means password 
>> errors, logging in 1Password and save them again. Works for that session but 
>> MailMate will update the keys wrongly in a reboot.
> Yes, this is very strange, but I have a theory. There was a short-lived test 
> version of MailMate which could leak the password to your `Sources.plist` 
> file (it only happened to users updating the password while using this test 
> version). I thought this would be automatically cleaned up after the bug was 
> fixed, but this appears to not be the case. Instead MailMate picks it up and 
> writes it to the keychain.
> I've fixed it for the next update (later today) which should also 
> automatically remove the password from the file. Sorry about the 
> inconvenience.



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