On 23 Sep 2014, at 16:45, Paula R T Coelho wrote:

wow bill... that opened a whole new world to me. thanks :)

1. This is just an unusual (and maybe unwise) configuration by your mail
provider to absolutely reject mail from a network with a long history of sending spam, without making exceptions for authenticated customers. The only solutions in this case are to not use that network to send through
that SMTP server or to persuade the provider to lift the ban.

​it is a university smtp server and i know that recently they have been hacked. so it doesn't surprise me that they are enforcing strong unwise
rules..​. i'm only able to reply to the messages through their web
interface these days.

You may also be able to use either a) your university's VPN to make the connection or b) a VPN like http://getClock.com to make a VPN to more "acceptable network" to appear to be sending from.

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