On 18 Sep 2014, at 14:42, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:

OK, that got me a step closer, however I'm not exactly sure how to use the ${cc} variable correctly, or maybe it can't be. It is returning to me only the first person on the Cc list, not the entire list. Is there a way to get the Cc list?

No, sorry, not supported yet. At least not for simple format strings. (A more advanced approach is used for, e.g., the configuration of the messages outline.)

My company wants corporate email replied to in Outlook fashion :-(.

That is simply depressing. I cannot imagine the reasoning behind such a strange requirement. I might be alone on this, but when I see this quoting style then “competent professional” are not the first words to cross my mind :-)

I am just playing around with ways to make this work in MailMate. I've managed to do this so far:

        "R" = (
"-----Original Message-----\nFrom: ${to.name} [mailto:${to.address}\nTo: ${from.name} [mailto:${from.name}]\nCc: ${cc.name}\nSent: ${date}\nSubject:${subject}\n"

This is only one small piece of the puzzle. I have thought about a Bundle to accomplish this task, but it seems to get only the quote, not any other information about the email, thus I can't add the above header.

Yes, this is not so easily accomplished yet. What is really needed is some kind of system for specifying prefaces (wrote-strings) and then let MailMate handle it similarly to signatures. That way you could also easily reply to me without using Outlook reply-style :-)

This has been on the todo for a long time. My own motivation is that I want it to be easier to use multiple languages.

Hmm, `insertFormatString:` is not well suited for this since it is based on the reply and not the original string.

Any thoughts would be appreciated, and yes... I don't like the Outlook methodology, but they are really pushing it. I'm willing to go to great lengths to avoid using Outlook for my work email, just for the reply message!

A short term solution would be to support the insertion of the advanced type of format strings. I've changed `MmReplyWroteString` such that if the first character is `{` then it's the “advanced” formatting style. This works in the next test version of MailMate (probably tomorrow).

Now, I almost hate myself for this, but you would then get something like what you want by pasting this in the Terminal:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmReplyWroteString -string "{
        children =
                        string = '-----Original Message-----\n';
                        formatString = 'From: \${from.name} 
                        sharedPrefix = 'to';
                        separatorString = ', ';
                        children = (
                                        prefixString = 'To: ';
                                        formatString = '\${to.name} 
                                        suffixString = '\n';
                        sharedPrefix = 'cc';
                        separatorString = ', ';
                        children = (
                                        prefixString = 'Cc: ';
                                        formatString = '\${cc.name} 
                                        suffixString = '\n';
                        formatString = 'Sent: \${date}\n';
                        formatString = 'Subject: \${subject}\n';

Remember, it won't work before I've uploaded another test release.

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