However: is there a way to specify the maximum width that should be
used when reflowing text? E.g. 66, or 72.
At the moment it uses the full window width (as many other clients
do), which is usually too much.
That doesn't quite make sense to me. Too much for what? Do you mean
when displaying or when composing messages?
The purpose of “format=flowed” is to get rid of hard-wrapping in
emails (which is a bad thing) in a backwards compatible fashion.
Yes, I should have clarified: as the subject indicated, I meant only
when displaying incoming mail. Right now, MailMate reflows incoming mail
to occupy the whole width of the display pane; but I would like to see
shorter lines in reflowed text.
(As an additional clarification: I see that MailMate’s implementation
of outgoing mail uses a soft-wrap of 72 columns or so, which is a very
sensible default. My request, however, is not about this number, but
about how long the reflowed lines should be in displayed incoming
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