Hi MailMate users,

I know I haven't replied to the most recent messages on the mailing list (or direct email), but I'll get to it eventually although probably not today. Right now, I just wanted to share some details about the latest test release(s) before the weekend.

## Yosemite

Yosemite hasn't been released yet (the rumors indicate late October), but Apple released a beta for Yosemite which means MailMate already has many Yosemite users (more than the number of Mountain Lion users). If using the latest public or beta release (r3905/r4214) then that is a bad experience (due to some issues displaying messages). It has worked relatively well with the most recent test versions, but after installing Yosemite last week I realized I had to work on various Yosemite issues. In particular, some performance issues.

Therefore, I recommend for any Yosemite users to fetch the latest test release. Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update preferences pane. Users of earlier OS'es may also notice the performance improvements, for example, when scrolling in the messages outline.

Feedback is welcome.

## 64 bit

I have been working (in parallel) on making MailMate a 64 bit application. This is not as trivial as it may sound, because MailMate is already pretty memory-hungry for large message stores and going 64 bit is not going to make that better. Therefore going 64 bit has to be combined with various non-trivial optimizations. Some of that work has been done, but it takes time to complete.

Nevertheless, if you do not mind the memory usage and you are prepared to run an **alpha** (unstable) version of MailMate then here is a direct link: http://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/MailMate_r5000.tbz

The revision number is **a hack** and you should not expect automatic updates to work.

(Technical detail: Note that if you do not have a large message store then you may save some memory, because MailMate is no longer going to trigger the OS to load shared 32 bit frameworks if they are not used by any other applications.)

Again, feedback is welcome.

## Exchange IMAP

I'm regularly contacted about various issues with Exchange IMAP and I've implemented a number of workarounds for server bugs. Today I realized that the `AUTH=PLAIN` login method for Exchange IMAP fails for some users in a particularly annoying way. It accepts the login credentials and then fails on some subsequent request to the server instead (with a BAD response). If you have experienced anything like this then I recommend trying the following hidden preference with the latest test release:

        defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmIMAPForcePlainLogin -bool YES

This forces MailMate to use a different authentication method. I'm very interested in knowing how widespread this issue is.

Have a nice weekend.

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