On 23 Jun 2014, at 12:43, Bram Heerink wrote:

I enabled 2.0 features to delete messages from twitter.com that are older then 30 days. Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to press a magic button to execute the rule?


Rules are not “dynamic” in the sense that for this rule to work then the message should arrive in the mailbox already being more than 30 days old. This might be optional at some point, but for now you can create a smart mailbox based on the INBOX which matches these 30 day old messages. Add a single rule to this smart mailbox which only has the action of moving to Deleted Messages. This works, because as far as MailMate is concerned a messages “arrives” in the smart mailbox when it's 30 days old. It is, of course, a bit weird that this mailbox is always going to be empty.

Alternatively, you can manually use “Mailbox ▸ Apply Rules” on a selection of messages.

mailmate mailing list
  • [MlMt] Rules Bram Heerink
    • Re: [MlMt] Rules Benny Kjær Nielsen

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