On 18 May 2014, at 18:36, Rob McClure wrote:

Tried the modification to display tags in columns as noted in the ticket site and changed the code you supplied to use two of my tags. I get the column in my display but don't see anything in the column, even after adding one of the two chosen tags to a new message. attaching my plist.

It might not be the only problem, but I can see that your match-queries don't match:

        matchQueries = {
            isSomeOtherTag = "#flags.flag = 'Harmonization'";

And then later:

        matchQuery = Harmonization;

That last one should have been:

        matchQuery = isSomeOtherTag;

(Or you should have renamed `isSomeOtherTag`.)

Also, you should remove all other columns than `tag` from the file. MailMate merges your columns with the default columns and if you redefine all of them then you won't get any changes to the defaults in future MailMate updates.

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