On 19 May 2014, at 19:51, David Rees wrote:
FYI, I created a simple clone of the Correspondence layout that shows
emails with the same tag as the current email.
It also sometimes shows all emails if the current email doesn't have a
not sure why that only happens sometimes or how to just show nothing
there are no tags.
Hmm, that might be a bug (I'll note that). You can probably partly fix
it by doing like this:
transformation = "$ALL_MESSAGES.filter(##tags exists and ##tags =
Note that this only works well when assigning a single tag to each
message. I don't think there is a way to fix that. In theory this would
work, but I haven't tried it:
transformation = "$ALL_MESSAGES.filter(#flags.flag =
(And if it works then I could improve `##tags` to work as well by
defining a `tag` specifier similar to `flag`.)
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