
I know we have a "Prefer plain text" option in the preferences that
allows us to pick the default "view" of an email as text (or not).
Currently I have this set to "prefer plain text".

I'm curious, however, if this preference can be different based on
some condition.

For instance, I might actually prefer work related emails (ie. if the
email is sent from someone within my co's domain) to default to view
as HTML since some people genuinely put useful formatting in their
emails (or general announcements might include useful formatting) that
I would want to see from the outset -- of course if everyone wrote
with markdown syntax, the plain text would do just as well, but alas

Is it possible to somehow (documented or otherwise) set this
preference based on some rule based something? As mentioned, regex
matching against headers (from/to) could be ideal -- but even just a
preference based on the email account the mail lands in would be
helpful as well. Not sure if one would be easier than the other based
on what's "in" mailmate already.


Steve Lianoglou
Computational Biologist
mailmate mailing list

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