On 22 Apr 2014, at 14:05, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 22 Apr 2014, at 14:19, Annamarie wrote:
Basically, I respond to folks with the same form letter over and
over. I have the letter on TextExpander but every time I need to
switch email accounts and to turn off signatures.
Why do you need to switch accounts? Are you not replying from the same
account (address) that these emails are sent to?
(and if I do that in the wrong order then I have to delete the extra
space at the top.) Seems like I shouldn't have to do that. I thought
Keyboard Maestro would be my answer. An hour of exploring seems to
indicate that KM can't access the commands for switching accounts and
turn off the signature easily. That might be wrong.
I'm not an expert on the use of Keyboard Maestro. There are shortcuts
to open the menus (⌃⌘I and ⌃⌘S) and then some automated
arrowing-down would be needed. Maybe someone else can provide a clear
There are probably many ways to do this.. what's easy? A template to
call up my form letter?
Templated replies are still very experimental, but it's possible using
the `replyMessage` output action for bundle commands described earlier
today on this mailing list. That is still very low level and probably
not a viable solution for you. It would be possible though to create a
bundle using this feature which provided a GUI for selecting template
answers, but I cannot promise anything like that soon. (It might even
be possible to control signature and from-address, but I'm not 100%
sure about that.)
P.S. And if "key bindings" is in the answer someone will have to
explain those to me. : )
They are not going to help in this case I believe.
mailmate mailing list
This would indeed be something relatively trivial to do with KM, but I'd
need to know a little more.
Pedro Lobo
mailmate mailing list