On 21 Mar 2014, at 11:40, Jonathan Clark wrote:

Sometimes - but not all the time - I send an email (without copying myself on CC or BCC), and immediately a copy of the email appears in my inbox. I'm mystified why this happens, as I don't have any conditions or rules on this standard MM inbox, and I don't think Gmail filters could do this either. I don't believe I have any other MM clever processing bundles active either.

When it happens then immediately try to reproduce the steps you took for this to happen (although it might be tricky if you don't want to send another message to the recipient) and see if you can find some “trigger”. I think the only way a MailMate bug could play a part in this is if you already have some rule moving messages to the Inbox — and this rule is then triggered at the wrong time by MailMate.

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