On 21 Feb 2014, at 12:34, Ingo Lantschner wrote:
On 14 Feb 2014, at 17:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
And that’s what I did. The latest test release should have working
date based smart mailboxes (if my changes work as expected). I’ve
also expanded the condition options to include hours and even minutes
(seconds seemed to be taking it too far). This also fixes some other
date-related bugs, e.g., if any mailboxes were based on a mailbox
using date-conditions.
Important note: This only works with rules if you create a separate
smart mailbox matching the messages you want to move (the rule of
this mailbox is then just the move-action). Since you move the
messages then this mailbox is always going to be empty, but this is
how it works now.
Hi Benny,
thanks for the update! The moving works, if I select all Messages in
the Smart Mailbox and click on Mailbox —> Apply Rules. But the Smart
Mailbox still shows all of the messages - strange ?!
This is what I did:
I created a Smart Mailbox with the condition of not within the last 90
days and Mailboxes Any *Ingo Lantschner* (different from the Archive
Mailbox!). This Smart Mailbox was filled immediately after creation
with the expected messages. Then I added a rule to that Smart Mailbox
with a similar condition and an action of moving to an other mailbox.
Nothing happens. Mailbox —> Apply Rules moved the messages from
*Ingo Lantschner* to *Archive*. But they are still visible in the
Smart Mailbox.
Any idea whey they are still visible?
Is there a way to move the messages lets say once a day, or if I open
Kind regards, Ingo
Ingo Lantschner
From my fiddling with things, I believe the rules fire only when the
messages arrive in the mailbox. So by creating the smart mailbox
criteria first, the messages were already in there when the rule was
created and it didn't consider them to be new. I wound up having to
fiddle with the criteria, changing it briefly to exclude all of the
messages. When I changed back the rule fired and archived all of the
messages that'd reappeared in the smart mailbox.
Benny, thanks so much for this feature. I was able to create a rule that
automatically archives New Relic alert emails when the corresponding
alert-ended email arrived. It made my day.
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