Does MailMate default to rendering the text+markdown section, or the html section for viewing?

I'm hoping that it displays the HTML, but replies with the markdown. Because otherwise there will be problems if the markdown processor adds new features over time (or, as in this case, I'm using a different markdown processor).

| Table Header1 | Table Header 2 |
| --- | --- |
| col1 | col2 |
| xxx ||

For instance, I don't believe this table will render using MailMate's builtin processor. But if you all see it, then MailMate's defaulting to the HTML.

I'm looking at putting together an installable version of my usage of MultiMarkdown as the processor. I think it's a prerequisite for the other package I need to bundle up, the one that let's you reply to HTML email without losing the HTML. That one's a hack, but it's mandatory if you live in an Exchange shop.
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