Nice! Just the answer I needed!
On 6 Feb 2014, at 15:18, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 6 Feb 2014, at 14:35, Annamarie wrote:
Feature or bug?
Feature. And maybe a bug.
I want to show an attachment column in my view - I check it in the
menu and then move it to the left of the "From" column. But it
doesn't stick. Next time I open MM it reverts. How do I make it
Hmm, it should stick. Try using “Use as Default Columns” in the
same menu as you enabled Attachments. If you have changed columns in
other mailboxes then you can use “Revert to Default Columns” to
make them use the default set.
(This doesn't work for mailboxes related to sent or junk messages
which must be configured explicitly. This could be seen as kind of a
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