On 6 Feb 2014, at 16:26, Nitin wrote:

> On 6 Feb 2014, at 21:56, Zvi Biener wrote:
>> The support. Benny answers everything quickly (on and off this list) and 
>> will sometimes even create things quickly. Between him and this list, almost 
>> all queries and needs are addressed.
> Well said. I couldn't agree more with this opinion.

Yep, I have to agree here too.

Having said that, and having come from Mail.app, here are just a few of the 
many things I love about MailMate and those you should look into a little 

- Markdown. Purists will vow that we should send our emails in plain text, but 
there are times when it just helps to have rich formatting and for that, I love 
the speed Markdown affords me;
- Speed, I find MailMate to be leaps and bounds faster than Mail.app;
- Power and flexibility - I can define a barrage of custom keyboard shortcuts 
that allow me to cull through my email very quickly. (A single keyboard 
shortcut can perform an array of mundane tasks);
- Command bundles - granted that this isn't for everybody, but they're super 
useful and powerful.
- Smart signatures;
- Delayed send;
- Tagging.

There is so much more, believe me, but these are just a few things I enjoy and 
would immediately miss were I to move to another email client now.

Pedro Lobo

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