thanks benny, i didn't realize the mailbox type of "junk" would remove those messages. looks like i'm in good shape now, thanks again!



On 30 Jan 2014, at 3:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 29 Jan 2014, at 21:08, Justin R. Pessa wrote:

seems like organize by thread only wants to work when i have "All Messages" highlighted under mailboxes. is there something i'm missing here? i don't like viewing all messages because it pulls in my spam

It shouldn't pull in Spam if all of your spam folders have a mailbox type of “Junk” (right-click and look for Mailbox Type in the menu).

and other folders, which i don't like to view all at once, however i really like the thread view.

MailMate uses very strict threading. It only shows two messages as related if they are parent-child. In your case, the messages you sent are probably missing links. There are frequent requests for numerous other ways to thread messages (for various reasons), but I cannot promise you anything soon.

What you can do now is to create a smart Inbox which includes any messages related to the messages in your current INBOX. You can do this by deselecting all messages in your Inbox and then click “Thread” in the toolbar. Finally, use the “Save” button to store it as a smart mailbox. (You can then review the smart mailbox if you want to see the conditions needed to make this work.)

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