On 3 Jan 2014, at 18:57, Steve Lianoglou wrote:

(1) I feel like I'm missing something obvious (sorry for that), but I
can't find the equivalent menu item to get the "thread" view achieved
by clicking the "Thread" button in the toolbar. Same goes for the
"Correspondence" button, too. I really just want to drop into those
views via some keyboard shortcut, but I guess the first step is to
find them in the Menu bar :-)

They are actually not there. Currently your only option is to create [custom key bindings](http://manual.mailmate-app.com/custom_key_bindings) for the following selectors:


(They are not even documented currently.)

(2) Are there plans to somehow show the tags for a given message in
message-list component, somehow?

Yes, I've got plans for everything :-)

Perhaps add an option to show a "tags
column." Or maybe show the tags in the subject column (preceding the
subject itself) in a similar way that is done in the gmail web client?

Yes, something like that. One could probably hack such a column using current low level features, but I should of course provide something by default. Just cannot say when I have time for it.

Although we can view the tags in the headers of the message when it is
selected, I think it could be handy to be able to see the tags per
message en-masse.


Thanks for what looks to be a great email client.


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