Bingo, now it works in the sense of moving the selected mail -- so thanks for that. :) What I don't get (which isn't really a MM problem) is the 'Cabinet' bit: rather than moving it to, it moves it to I can live with that, since I never really got Gmail's Cabinet nonsense anyway -- IIRC, it was a sort of mongrel (not mutt :) concession on Google's part to lusers who *insisted* on filing their mail. Still, it'd be nice to get the syntax down.

Do I understand correctly that the nesting should be used for sequential keystrokes (as in 'm' = 'move to...' then 'c' = 'corr')?

Thanks again! Totally great to find a mail client under active development with a user community that uses (gasp!) *email* instead of that gawd-awful Tender-type stuff (


On 18 Dec 2013, at 11:15, Steve Mayer wrote:

Rather than have a nested binding, try just setting your key binding to "^c".

On 18 Dec 2013, at 8:06, Ted Byfield wrote:

Hi, all --

I was really pleased to stumble onto Mailmate, and it looks like I'm coming from a similar place as others on this list: a mutt-lover who also needs a GUI client. So, first, thanks to Benny for your work.

I'm trying to figure out the 'moveToMailbox' keybinding for an imap account, which is at a university that (like more and more) now uses Gmail as a backend. After reading through this list's relevant discussions...

(1) I created the file

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/Special.plist

(2) In Prefs > General, I enabled custom key bindings [check!] and appended ', Special' (it now reads: Gmail, Special).

(3) Then, based on the MM-generated file structure

~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/

(4) ...I've tried to map ctrl-c like so...

        "^" = {
"c" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "imap://" );

No luck. The binding doesn't work as a chord or a sequence. Removing 'Gmail ,' from Prefs > General > custom key bindings doesn't fix it, and restarting MM hasn't had any effect. Any help is much appreciated.

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