On 16 Dec 2013, at 13:00, Karl Erik Jessen wrote:

You can also open the Activity Viewer (⌥⌘0) to follow the activity on the SMTP connections. Open it before trying to send a message. Maybe it can provide a hint.

When trying to send from my problem account there is nothing going on in the activity window

Ok, that certainly makes it sound like a MailMate bug. Something is blocking the send queue for the account.

By the way: The messages in the local Drafts folder are not copied to server Drafts folder - should they be? (I have set up "Mailbox type" correctly)

Yes, but it only happens after closing the composer window.

I am using Mailmate 1.7.1 (3880) - with "Experimental 2.0 Features" enabled

Ok, let us take the discussion off-list since it probably does not have general interest. Start by sending me these files:

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Sources.plist
        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Submission.plist

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