On 18 Nov 2013, at 19:02, Jeffrey Horn wrote:
On 18 Nov 2013, at 12:23, Sherif Soliman wrote:
An added followup: I've noticed that this happens with some
replies/threads and not others. In one thread the wrapping of the
lines in the quoted text changes as I resize the window, and in
another it remains fixed to the 72/73 limit. Not sure what the
difference is.
Sorry I can't help with your original request. But I think it's likely
that some messages are wrapping and others not based on the type of
e-mail replied to, that is HTML or text. I hesitate to speculate
Bill covered the issue of “format=flowed” in a separate answer, but
you are probably also close to an explanation of what Sherif
experiences. MailMate always uses the plain text body part of a message
to create the reply (since the composer in MailMate is for plain text
only). This is not ideal for Gmail messages since their plain text body
parts do not use “format=flowed”. Instead, paragraphs are
hard-wrapped. This is not the case for the HTML body part of these
There is no easy fix for this, but I'm aware of the problem.
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