On 16 Nov 2013, at 14:57, Rob McBroom wrote:

On 16 Nov 2013, at 10:08, Daniel Mann wrote:

I believe (unconfirmed) that you can only specify one custom keybinding file in this preference setting.

From the [Key Bindings in MailMate][1] section:

Note that you can specify a comma-separated list of key bindings files (without file extensions). The order determines the priority of the files and `Standard` is automatically appended to the list.

But I haven’t actually tried it, personally.

[1]: http://manual.mailmate-app.com/custom_key_bindings#key_bindings_in_mailmate

Thanks, Rob. I should have checked instead of trying to answer from memory.

So, now I wonder if the issue is with specifying two keybindings from different folders? One builtin (Gmail) and one added (Special from the user-created KeyBindings folder).

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