On 14 Nov 2013, at 12:18, Will Styler wrote:

> 1) When composing, add (and select for addition) the CC/BCC/Later box.  
> Ideally, such shortcuts would display the field if hidden, and select them 
> for entry if visible

I'd find keyboard shortcuts for this useful as well.

> 4) Filter by attribute.  Right now, if I use the filter key, it starts me off 
> filtering by "From" with the entry box selected, which is well and good, but 
> req        uires significant mousing to set criteria.  I'd love the ability 
> to set something like:
>       "/" = {
>               "f" = ( "FilterBy:", "From" );
>               "t" = ( "FilterBy:", "To" );
>               "s" = ( "FilterBy:", "Subject" );
>               "a" = ( "FilterBy:", "Any Header" );
>               "d" = ( "FilterBy:", "Date" );          "g" = ( "FilterBy:", 
> "Tags/Keywords" );
>       };

Another +1. I'm actually surprised this isn't exposed already. Would be very 

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