On 14 Nov 2013, at 2:24, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 14 Nov 2013, at 0:57, Jeffrey Horn wrote:
I suppose I could just check the box and create a custom keyboard
shortcut for marking "Not Junk". I like the idea of blocking images
unless I choose otherwise, but clicking "Not Junk" breaks my keyboard
A bit off topic, but I have also been asked about what MailMate can do
to learn from the messages marked as “Not Junk” for future
incoming messages (without SpamSieve).
Not off-topic at all! I hesitated to ask this very thing.
Here is a suggestion which I haven't tested:
1. Create a smart mailbox showing all messages with the “Not Junk”
2. Create a smart mailbox with all messages which *do not* have the
same sender as one of the “Not Junk” messages:
The condition in smart mailbox 2 looks like this:
From ▸ Address is not in “Not Junk mailbox” From ▸ Address
Finally, use that mailbox in the Security preferences pane for image
blocking. Feedback is welcome with respect to whether or not this
actually works :-)
Excellent! I don't even have to pay attention to the smart mailboxes,
just "Junk" and "Not Junk" as usual. Thanks, Benny!
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