On 2 Feb 2012, at 11:07, Alan Schmitt wrote:

>> Maybe you could try creating a smart mailbox showing all messages 
>> with your name in the From header and then use that mailbox for 
>> completions. (I'll think about how to solve this problem in general.)
> I've done that, but I have a followup question: I named this smart 
> mailbox "My Sent Messages", what name should I pass to the command 
> line? Is it "MY_SENT_MESSAGES"?

Sorry, I didn't think about that. It's more tricky than that. Only 
standard mailboxes have ?easy? names. A smart mailbox has a UUID 
which you can find in the following plain text file:

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist

A description of the variations of the mailbox identifier can be seen in 
the middle of this subsection in the manual: 

(These technical details would of course be hidden by the GUI if the 
preferences had a popup for selecting the mailbox used for completions.)


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