On 11 Jan 2012, at 19:58, James Pearson wrote:

> I'd like to create some folders to hold / categorize my smart 
> mailboxes .. like the "Examples" folder that came with my MailMate 
> install.
> I can't seem to find a way to do this though.  Am I missing something?

No, you are not. There is no way to create such mailboxes in the GUI. 
You can either create a dummy smart mailbox (matching nothing) or quit 
MailMate and edit the following file:

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist

But take a backup copy first, because you could lose it if you make a 
mistake (although MailMate may make a copy if it cannot parse it -- 
cannot remember right now :-) ).

It may also be possible to duplicate the Examples mailbox if it is 
empty, but that is not exactly an intuitive workaround.

And I'll make yet another note that I should make this functionality 
available in the GUI.


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