On 29 Dec 2011, at 21:02, emory wrote:

> I've been using Postbox a bit lately, a license for it was included in 
> a bundle I purchased.  I really like the way messages are browsed in 
> Postbox in particular, and I was wondering if anyone has come up with 
> a stylesheet for doing a vertical message list in MailMate?
> The standard method of a single line makes it hard to fit in the 
> things I'm interested in seeing, the way Mail.app and Postbox and 
> others do it seem to prefer having two rows so that you have:
> [Sender] [whitespace] [date & time]
> [Subject/Thread name] [whitespace] [number of messages]
> I think the intent for MailMate is that these are user-serviceable by 
> changing and assigning a style sheet but I couldn't see how the layout 
> could be changed that way.

I'm sorry, but that is currently not possible. It requires a new view 
type since a multi-line layout as described above would not work well in 
the current messages outline. It requires sorting to be handled 
differently and enabling/disabling columns does not really make sense. 
Functionally, I would say the messages outline is most often better, but 
visually the multi-line style can be nicer and it works well in a 
widescreen layout.

If I ever implement such a view, I would probably do it in such a way 
that it was customizable with respect to what was displayed, but this is 
not close to the top of my list, so don't expect anything.


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