On 8 Dec 2011, at 16:26, Benny Kj?r Nielsen wrote:

> * some way to run a command/script where the command can be given the 
> identity of selected message(s)
> * some way to retrieve information about messages based on their 
> identity

> The easiest thing to do is probably to wait for me to implement the 
> items noted above, but you are of course welcome to try and see how 
> far you can get with the existing version of MailMate.

I may try to take a swing at RESTful MailMate -- I've been making due 
with Copy as Link and just pasting, but it isn't low-friction.

I will certainly be watching for more movement on your two enhancements 
you mentioned and if I can muster up the courage to try my hand at REST 
I'll be sure to follow-up.

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