On 15 Mar 2011, at 23:05, hellyesvoodoopsychicguy at gmail.com wrote:

> right now mailmate does not seem to support to read contacts from 
> address book that are stored on a caldav server!

I tried a CardDav server and I was able to reproduce the problem (no 
completion of addresses). Unfortunately the problem is that Apple Mail 
uses a private API. The following from stackoverflow includes a quote 
from an Apple engineer on this subject:


I have looked at the private API and after some experimentation I can 
make it work for both completion and for the ?Address Panel?. Now I 
just need to decide whether I want MailMate to become an application 
which uses private APIs... I'll probably include the ?feature? for 
now, but be aware that this is going to be an unsupported feature, that 
is, it may be removed again.

I have not tested it, but it should work for any kind of account in the 
Address Book (CardDav, Exchange, and LDAP).

Kind regards,


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