Something I was curious about with that app; the article claimed when it first 
came out, that you could transfer your existing books to the app via itunes, 
but I can't figure out for the life of me how to do this.  Has anyone else been 
able to do this?
  I don't want to have to redownload the same books again, which can take a 
while, and if I'm pressed for time, that can get annoying, so if anyone has 
some tips, I'd really appreciate it.
On Feb 26, 2014, at 7:18 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Sure.  Just go to your wish list on the app, then, when you find a book, 
> double tap on it.  You will get a doalog asking if you want to download the 
> book.  Answer yes to this.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Feb 26, 2014, at 5:47 AM, Dana <> wrote:
>> Does anyone know I have figured out how to find books put them in my wish 
>> list but nott how to download them on the bard  ap can someone tell me how 
>> it is done?
>> Thanks
>> Dana
>> Skype and twitter ID's both the same
>> djkitty73 
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