Have you thought about using dictation to input your recipes from your braille 
recipe book?
I have used meal planer but not in this version.  Let me look at it and see if 
I can figure it out.  Worse case you can find the recipe you want to view in 
meal planner and do command-`(accent) to switch windows and read the recipe 
from there.

On Feb 9, 2014, at 6:38 PM, Eileen Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Jessica, 
> I am not using Pages, but TextEdit instead. I am saving my recipe docs as 
> plain text. When I go and open a TXT file extension and use the shortcut key 
> for clipping it to Mac Gourmet Deluxe, I don't have any issues with Mac 
> Gourmet Deluxe opening. I haven't yet used the meal planning feature. I am 
> trying to get all of my hundreds of recipes into the app first. I now need to 
> move on to my braille recipe books and input manually the recipes. This will 
> be tedious, but well worth it in the end. I'm wondering if Jim has used the 
> meal planning feature. Maybe he can chime in. I did locate the manual 
> materials for it, but stopped because I am trying to work on converting 
> nutirtional values. In the manual, meal planning begins on page 85 or chapter 
> 13. I use the "go to" keystroke VO-G and then tab over (Ithink one) to the 
> edit field to type in the page number and press enter. I do know that it  
> stated that you can add, drag/drop, the recipe, but I will need to devote 
> more attention to this. HTH. 
> Eileen 
> On Feb 9, 2014, at 2:42 PM, Jessica D <jldai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> why can't i save recipes i have as word files in pages? when i try, it opens 
>> the import assistant but then it makes me retype all the information. also, 
>> how do i use the meal planner? i added something, but do not see the recipe 
>> for that item, i just see the item's name, and i used copy and paste.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 9, 2014, at 5:19 PM, Eileen Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jessica, 
>>> I just finished syncing all of the new recipes in my ipHone. I opened the 
>>> "add" button in Gourmet on the phone to check to see if the new category 
>>> was listed. To my surprise, it was there. I bet if you open the Gourmet app 
>>> on your phone or iPad and the equipment list section, I bet it will be 
>>> there. 
>>> Best, 
>>> Eileen  
>>>> On Feb 7, 2014, at 3:41 AM, Jessica D <jldai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> using my mac yesterday, i added an item to the equipment list. what do i 
>>>> need to do to have this new item availible on all my devices?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Jessica
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 10:18 PM, Eileens Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> YfGreat!!! You are able to clip the recipes. When you perform the 
>>>>> shortcut keystroke, did it land you in a table called "name?" You can 
>>>>> tell if you are there because the table will have the name of the recipe 
>>>>> that you just clipped. If you land in the table that VO announces 
>>>>> "clipping," you need to tab over a couple of times until you hear the 
>>>>> word name and then tab one more time to hear the name of the recipe. Use 
>>>>> the enter key to open the recipe editor.I used VO-RIGHT arrow 6 times.
>>>>> On the next screen, use VO-RIGHT arrow 4 times and VO will say something 
>>>>> like "end of text and the recipe's name." you need to interact with this 
>>>>> edit field. This is where you will highlight different parts of the 
>>>>> recipe for the different edit fields and use the appropriate keystroke 
>>>>> that Jim listed in one of his posts recently. There will be various items 
>>>>> to input and interact with various tables to make your selections for a 
>>>>> specific recipe. When I'm satisfied with all the edit feilds I need to 
>>>>> fill in, I press VO-FN-RIGHT arrow to get to the end to click on the 
>>>>> "save" button. This completes the process. HTH.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Eileen 
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 5:19 PM, Jessica <jldai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> now that I have clipped it, how do I get everything in their respective 
>>>>>> text fields in an efficient way?
>>>>>> Jessica
>>>>>> jldai...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 7:39 PM, Eileens Misrahi <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> HI Jessica,
>>>>>>> I just opened TextEdit. I am going to go through the steps and write 
>>>>>>> this post as I am doing it. This is for you to follow the steps and you 
>>>>>>> will be able to enable the necessary keyboard shortcuts. 
>>>>>>> 1. I'll start with TextEdit. Open TextEdit whichever method you use. 
>>>>>>> I'm a "spotlight" user, so I press CMD-SPACEBAR and type the first few 
>>>>>>> letters of TextEdit.
>>>>>>> 2. Open the menu bar of TextEdit, and either tab over to TexEdit menu 
>>>>>>> item or press the letter T.
>>>>>>> 3. Down arrow once to open this menu item. Once in the TextEdit menu, 
>>>>>>> either use the down arrow key until you hear "Services" or press the 
>>>>>>> letters "SECONDS" to move to services.
>>>>>>> 4. Use the right arrow key to expand services. Mine states "No services 
>>>>>>> apply." 
>>>>>>> 5. Down arrow (1 time) to "Services Preferences.. and press VO-SPACEBAR.
>>>>>>> 6. This will open up system preferences and focus on the keyboard 
>>>>>>> shortcuts.
>>>>>>> 7. Use the tab key to move forward until you hear Services Shortcuts, 
>>>>>>> which is just past the vertical splitter. 
>>>>>>> 8. Down arrow several times until you hear "Clip Recipes" and use the 
>>>>>>> spacebar to check it.
>>>>>>> 9. Down arrow to the next item called "Import Recipe From Web Page."
>>>>>>> 10. Use W or CMD-Q to either close or quit TextEdit.
>>>>>>> Now that you have enable these keyboard shortcuts in TextEdit, you need 
>>>>>>> to open Mac Gourmet Deluxe and repeat the steps listed above to enable 
>>>>>>> the same shortcuts in Mac Gourmet Deluxe. Once you completed this, you 
>>>>>>> open a recipe saved as a text file, select all with CMD-A, and then use 
>>>>>>> the shortcut key of CMD-ShIFT-M. This will automatically open Mac 
>>>>>>> Gourmet Deluxe and clippings in the table will be selected. I hope this 
>>>>>>> detail instructions get you up and running. If you have any more 
>>>>>>> questions, you can email me off list.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Eileen
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 1:34 PM, Jessica <jldai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I still am unable to import recipes into mac gourmet. I don't see the 
>>>>>>>> "clip recipe" option everyone says is suppose to exist. Where is it 
>>>>>>>> found? I have looked in both mac gourmet and text edit services menus 
>>>>>>>> and I can't find it.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Jessica
>>>>>>>> jldai...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 11:03 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie 
>>>>>>>>> <caitlyn.furn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Jim,
>>>>>>>>> This was helpful for me.  I've had mac gourmet for a while now and 
>>>>>>>>> haven't figured out these shortcuts yet myself!
>>>>>>>>> Will use it more now for sure.
>>>>>>>>> Cait
>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 10:43 AM, Jim Gatteys <jgatt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> so the shortcut keys are as follows:
>>>>>>>>>> command-1 is name,
>>>>>>>>>> command-2 - info
>>>>>>>>>> command-3 - keywords, for searching for recipes.  It is not 
>>>>>>>>>> necessary to add them but will make your searches easier.
>>>>>>>>>> command-4 - servings, where you enter the number of servings
>>>>>>>>>> command-5 - ingredients
>>>>>>>>>> command-6 - directions
>>>>>>>>>> command-7 - yield, for number of cookies or number of loaves of 
>>>>>>>>>> bread.  This is different than servings. Its kind of confusing but 
>>>>>>>>>> you can't scale the recipe in the yield field but you can with 
>>>>>>>>>> servings.
>>>>>>>>>> command-8 - introduction
>>>>>>>>>> command-9 - notes, anything you want to write about the recipe
>>>>>>>>>> command-0 - nutrition information
>>>>>>>>>> Hope this is helpful.
>>>>>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 9:35 AM, Eileen Misrahi 
>>>>>>>>>>> <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jessica,
>>>>>>>>>>> Jim beat me to this, but I'll still post. First, I want to know if 
>>>>>>>>>>> in service preferences you have the keyboard shortcut checked there 
>>>>>>>>>>> and in TextEdit also. If not, you will need to open both of these 
>>>>>>>>>>> programs and perform this action in each. 
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Open one of the apps at a time. 
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. In Mac Gourmet Deluxe menu, either arrow down to or type in the 
>>>>>>>>>>> first couple of letters "SE" to get to services. 
>>>>>>>>>>> 3. VO-Right Arrow to open it and down arrow to service preferences. 
>>>>>>>>>>> VO-Spacebar on it. 
>>>>>>>>>>> 3. The interface will open on "Keyboard." 
>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Tab over to Service Shortcuts and interact with it 
>>>>>>>>>>> (VO-Shift-Down Arrow. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, you can't use letter navigation in this list, so you 
>>>>>>>>>>> will need to arrow down until you hear "Clip the recipe."To the 
>>>>>>>>>>> right of this will be the check box. VO-spacebar on it. 
>>>>>>>>>>> 5.  I also checked "Import recipe from web page."
>>>>>>>>>>> 6. This process will need to be repeated in TextEdit in the same 
>>>>>>>>>>> manner.
>>>>>>>>>>> Secondly, to answer your question about selecting or highlighting 
>>>>>>>>>>> text, Highlight the text that will be entered into a particular 
>>>>>>>>>>> edit field. Use the shortcut keystroke that is associated with that 
>>>>>>>>>>> edit field. I haven't yet made a list of all of the Mac Gourmet 
>>>>>>>>>>> Deluxe shortcut keys. As Jim as stated, command 1=name, command 
>>>>>>>>>>> 5=ingredients, and command 6=directions. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Oh one more thing I forgot to mention above, once the recipe has 
>>>>>>>>>>> been clipped to Mac Gourmet Deluxe, you need to tab over to the 
>>>>>>>>>>> label that says "Name" and the recipe that you have clipped will be 
>>>>>>>>>>> listed. Enter on the recipe name and that will open the recipe 
>>>>>>>>>>> editor where all the edit fields are located. When everything is 
>>>>>>>>>>> said and done, I use VO-FN-Right Arrow to move to the end where the 
>>>>>>>>>>> save button is located to save all my changes. I HTH. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Happy cooking. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers, 
>>>>>>>>>>> Eileen  
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 6, 2014, at 7:01 AM, Jessica D <jldai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> i have mac gourmet deluxe and have one simple question, when in my 
>>>>>>>>>>>> recipe's text file, do i select all of the text or just the text 
>>>>>>>>>>>> for the section i am working with? also, where do i "clip recipe" 
>>>>>>>>>>>> in the services menu?need to be in order to see, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 10:34 AM, Jim Gatteys <jgatt...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eileen!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are correct in that you can just press the command key.  Once 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you are in mac gourmet and in the edit field where the clipped 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> recipe is you can go to the top and shift down arrow to highlight 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the name of the recipe and then press command-1.  All of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> available fields have corresponding shortcut keys, intro, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nutrition directions, ingredients and the like.  So you highlight 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the section you want and press the corresponding command-number 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> key.  I can't remember them all but intro is one and directions 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is command-6 and ingredients is command-5.  All the fields have a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> number with them.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As to quitting unexpectedly I have had that happen a couple of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> times but that might be something you want to go to mariner web 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> site and file a high priority ticket with them to help.  Let them 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know that you are using voiceover.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>> One other thing, I created a hotspot at the save button and a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> corresponding keystroke so i don't have to hunt for the save 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> button all the time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Good luck,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 4, 2014, at 9:22 AM, Eileen Misrahi 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jim, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is the first time i have had to thank you for all your 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assistance. Hooray!!! I finally have been able to start 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> importing my text recipes into Mac Gourmet Deluxe, with the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method you have described so kindly. I just want confirmation on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this pointer though because I have been doing the highlighting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and placement of the specific text into their respective fields 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by arrowing to the specific edit field and then using the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shortcut key. If I reread your last email, it seems like I can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just highlight the specific info and then use the shortcut key 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to place it in its edit field. Is that correct? 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On another topic with Mac Gourmet Deluxe, I was wondering if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is just unique to my inexperience in using the app. Whe all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is said and done, I press the "Save" button in Mac Gourmet 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Deluxe and receive an alert message. It states something to this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect: "Mac Gourmet Deluxe has closed unexpectedly" and then I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am given options to restart the program, ignore, or close, etc. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when I reopen the program and check the recipe table, I review 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see if the recipe had been added and it has. I was wondering 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if this has happened to you too. I am running ML, so if you are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> running Mavericks that may be the difference. I'm not sure if I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to contact the developers to see if there is something that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can do to correct the situation. This seems to happen almost 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the time when I save the recipe. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Again, thanks for all of your help and being so patient with me. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am getting the hang of it, but I just want to refine my steps 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be more efficient. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kind regards, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eileen 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 2, 2014, at 10:43 AM, Jim Gatteys <jgatt...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you vo navigate to the clippings table and then vo navigate 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the specific recipe you want to clip and press enter it will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> open the editor for you to select text.  You might have to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vo-right a couple of times to get to the edit field.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you then go to the top where the name is and highlight the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name, you can press command-1 to enter the name, highlight the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ingredients and command-5 to enter the ingredients and do the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sale for directions with command-6.  Your other options like 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> categories and servings/yield will be in that edit session as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 31, 2014, at 7:08 PM, Eileen Misrahi 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jim, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am making some headway with this, but I do have some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> questions. I will first explain what I do and ask my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> questions. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. I open Mac Gourmet Deluxe and a recipe TXT file in my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> documents.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. I highlight the text in the recipe file and then press 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CMD-SHIFT-M. This will open up Mac Gourmet Deluxe and the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clipping item is selected in the table.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. When I begin to tab over to the right, the only way I can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> view the recipe TXT file is to interact with the HTML. At this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point, all of the text will seem to run together.  
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Now, I don't know how I get to the various edit fields, but 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when I do, I need to manually input the data. Hence, I know I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am missing a step or two in order for the clipping to be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> entered into the various category edit fields.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. I am not sure if I need to press or enter on the "Set" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> button or just go directly to the "Save" button. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here are my questions: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Is there a list of commands to use after a particular item 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is highlighted in my HTML area to input the text into the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> various fields? I know that you listed command 5 and command 6 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for ingredients and directions, but what are the others and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where can I find them. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. The manual stated something about a popup button to open 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the various categories to place the info into, but I haven't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> found it. Where can I find this popup button. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. I'm ending up performing a copy/paste into the edit fields. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do I need to set up my recipe TXT files for the various edit 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields in Mac Gourmet, so they will be imported into them?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is it for now. Sorry for all of the questions, but this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task of importing TXT files is not really straight forward. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All of your assistance is appreciated. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eileen 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 9:47 AM, Jim Gatteys <jgatt...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is very easy to get recipes into Mac Gourmet Deluxe.  If 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you have a text file you can select the text you want to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> import and then find clip recipe under services.  You can 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> define a keystroke to do this to make it quicker.  Then Mac 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gourmet will put it into the clippings section and it easy 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from there. You have various fields like name, ingredients, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> directions and more. You highlight the ingredients and press 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command-5 for ingredients and command-6 for directions. There 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a very clear explanation of this in the user manual.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this clears up some of the confusion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 1:18 AM, Eileen Misrahi 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <eileen.misr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Folks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To me the interface of the iOS version of Mac Gourmet is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easier to navigate and input the data correctly into the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fields. I have been attempting to use Mac Gourmet Deluxe on 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my Air, but I find it more confusing and not direct to input 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the info for a recipe. Are there any tricks or tips others 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can suggest? It took a couple of trials, but I was 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> successful on syncing the created recipe on my iPhone to my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mac. So, maybe this is my solution for now. I have a busy 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> task at hand to get the recipes into this application. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, once this is done, it will be extremely handy in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the kitchen. All suggestions on how to input the info on the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mac side would be appreciated. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eileen 
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