To get out of the toolbar, hit vo-right until you hear "knob, downloads", hit 
shift-vo-down arrow, hit shift-vo-up arrow, then proceed  with vo-right, until 
it stops again and you hear html, then hit shift-vo-down arrow and you are in. 
Or, you can hit vo+i and arrow down twice, hit enter, then hit shift-vo-down 
arrow and you are in.
I am not familiar with edeting bokmars yet, but have been in vo-m, right arrow 
to bookmarks, down arrow a couple of times to edit bookmarks.

Take care

10. jan. 2014 kl. 18:14 skrev Lee Jones <>:

Dear List, the first few times I searched ggoogle with safari on mavericks I 
searched directly from the browser tool bar.  It was slow but it did get to the 
google results. I then assigned google as my home page and dset safari to open 
all new tabs with my homepage,but when a new page opens I am locked on the 
ttoolbar and can’t get to the html area. I have VO sett to start with keyboard 
focus not toolbar. When I start safaari I just wan’t the google page to come 
up. Also how do you edit the favourites bar and the bookmarks list?  I have 
things on the favourites bar which I want to delete as well as things on the 
bookmarks list.  I struggle to manage multiple tabs vo never says new tab even 
though I have tabbed browsing turned on.
Many Thanks, Lee   ,      

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