Where do I find a setting to turn password off? With the Mini, can it work 
successfully with a speaker with a volume control and not the TV? Have sighted 
help today is why I ask. Of course, doesn't know Mac! LOL!

reggie and Allegra

On Jan 8, 2014, at 10:12 PM, Daniel Hawkins <computersassocia...@gmail.com> 


I for one never used the password login part. But maybe a few advice that can 
help you on the reliability.

If you get a headphone and if needed a splitter, you can just plug the 
headphone or earbud in and hear what is being said on the Mac. That can elimate 
the problems if tv hav a problem. And maybe it would be good to have a usb 
keyboard for those rare cases that blooth don’t work.

Have you tried to hit cmd and F5? Sometimes Voiceover crashes or just don’t 
work. Just press cmd F5 once. Wait a min and redo the command and wait a few 
Daniel Hawkins
- Posted from my Macbook Pro

2012 15in. Macbook Pro
2.3 Quad-core i7

Dual Boot:
Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 2:09 PM, Regina Alvarado <reggie.alvar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a reliable way to know if you are at the space to put in the 
> password on the Mini? Many things could be wrong I know, but my Mini is not 
> giving a signal when to put password in. I have had to force a shutdown twice 
> after trying to add my password. Afraid it will crash so have not tried 
> again. Thanks for any assistance. I have the Mini going through the TV for 
> sound and have a bluetooth keyboard from Apple. Of course bluetooth could 
> have dropped, TV may not have come on for some reason or maybe I am in the 
> wrong place to put the password, understood, but any thoughts on how I can 
> try and get it running?
> reggie and Allegra
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