1.  Make sure you back your bookmarks and contacts to Icloud.  Talk about 
saving you a ton of trouble later.

2.  Get all your software license keys as .rtf files and back them to the cloud 
also using Text Edit.

3.  IF you have Drop box, back all your app disk images there.

Now, you should be ready to do the clean install.

For my part, I noticed that with the initial roleout of 10.9, apps did indeed 
open very slowly:  but now, with the advent of 10.9.1, apps do seem to be more 
snappy to open then before and performance is more stable.


Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!

On Dec 22, 2013, at 9:17 AM, Alex Hall <mehg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Ever since Mavericks, I have had the following problems which others don't 
> seem to have:
> 1. Speech is choppy and pauses randomly. This is not all the time, but often 
> enough to be annoying.
> 2. Apps take up to thirty seconds to launch.
> 3. The system just feels sluggish overall.
> Am I alone in these? If so, would a clean install help matters? What can I do 
> to help the restoration process after the install? I have both Crashplan and 
> a local Time Machine backup, so I can get my personal files back. My question 
> is more about apps and settings. For instance, how could I restore my iTunes 
> library, which I spent days manually tagging, or the customizations I've made 
> in apps like Key Remap, or my saved bookmarks in Safari, and so forth? I know 
> that the Mac does not use a Windows-style registry, so restoring will not be 
> as tedious as it would be on Windows, but I've never done this before. If I 
> should give it a try, what should I know before I begin?
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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