Hi Donna,

I was wondering, how easy or difficult did you find the installation process?


Ricardo Walker

On Dec 14, 2013, at 9:53 AM, Donna Goodin <doniado...@me.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> First, please excuse the cross-posting, but I thought this would be of 
> interest to people on both lists.
> I just wanted to let people know that the recent update to the Nest app for 
> iPhone has become *much more accessible.  Though the button labeling is a bit 
> unintuitive, Voiceover now reads the labels.  I can reliably raise and lower 
> the temperature, and switch from cool to heat to off.  It also looks like 
> it's now possible to set your schedule, though I haven't figured out how yet. 
>  But you can see each day, in two hour increments.  With this latest update, 
> I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> -- 
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