I agree regarding the LaCie hard drives I have a one Tera byte LaCie Wave
from I think 2008 or 2007 and have never had a problem. Even now I consider
it one of the fastest externals I use. Not surprised Apple is selling there

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Phil Halton
Sent: November 02, 2013 20:01
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions

I bought a LaCie 2tb external drive from the apple store. It is both USB and
Firewire800, and can be used as an external boot drive. This model (2tb) is
no longer made, but LaCie is good stuff, and Apple sells it in their stores.
It's good to have a combo drive USB/Firewire, so you can use it as a boot
drive if desired. For the Air, which has no firewire port, I bought a
thunderbolt/firewire adaptor
BTW: I have it partitioned into 4 partitions, one each as a boot partition
for my iMac and MacbookAir, and two data partitions which I don't currently

On Nov 2, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all, 
> I know we covered this awhile back but amazingly I couldn't find the
thread. I am finally getting around to getting a external hard drive as the
last one I got wouldn't mount properly so I had to return it. I had gotten a
seagate but with all the issues I had with it, I don't think I want to try
and get another seagate. Can anyone suggest one they have had success with
for the mac. I plan to use it as external storage for music and backups
along with a partition for time machine. Thanks,
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