Try the pass port family, I just purchased one 2 gigs from western digital
if memory serves me right it was around $149.00 It supports USB 3.0, but not
thunderbolt still plenty fast and not a major costly drive. It comes with
software for both windows and Mac though I have never used the software I
run time machine. They have smaller sizes if 2 gig is more then you want.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
Sent: November 02, 2013 16:37
Subject: External Hard Drive Suggestions

Hey all, 

I know we covered this awhile back but amazingly I couldn't find the thread.
I am finally getting around to getting a external hard drive as the last one
I got wouldn't mount properly so I had to return it. I had gotten a seagate
but with all the issues I had with it, I don't think I want to try and get
another seagate. Can anyone suggest one they have had success with for the
mac. I plan to use it as external storage for music and backups along with a
partition for time machine. Thanks,

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